In November 2023, IBSA released its fifth Sustainability Report, referred to the year 2022. The Report, in continuity with the previous ones, confirms IBSA’s commitment to its sustainable path, while offering a detailed account of the activities carried out in the ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) context and showing the company’s willingness to act within a long-term perspective.
IBSA publishes its fifth Sustainability Report
In 2022, IBSA outlined a new ESG strategy, called ESG@IBSA. The symbol chosen is a compass, which perfectly identifies the areas of action where IBSA is committed to measuring its impact and making it transparent: Environment, Society, Value Chain and Patients.
The strategy responds to the belief that, to achieve significant objectives, it is necessary to involve all collaborators, in all departments and in all subsidiaries. Hence the importance of designing a sustainability path that – coordinated by the ESG & Real Estate department – affects corporate life at every level. Indeed, as pointed out by Christophe Direito, Sr. ESG & Real Estate Manager, IBSA: “Our ambition is to develop a more responsible leadership, assigning precise roles and objectives for the development of the strategy, involving all collaborators through training and awareness programmes”.
To be truly decisive and pervasive, every strategic process must start from a structured analysis of data. The fifth Sustainability Report builds on data collected in a homogeneous manner from almost all IBSA offices and it’s the result of a huge systematisation work that has been going on for years, and which is the starting point to identify the areas where to implement actions aimed at achieving the sustainable development of IBSA.
An interesting novelty is the entry of a new managerial figure – Chiara Piccolo – into the ESG & Real Estate Department, led by Direito. Chiara will be responsible for implementing the strategy, and will have the task of coordinating and implementing all activities, facilitating both the collaboration between the different departments and the flow of information.
In Chiara’s own words: “The Sustainability Report is an important tool for identifying the areas in which to commit ourselves and for channelling our efforts towards a more sustainable development. We collected the data, measured the relevant indexes and built the internal benchmark from which to start, because what cannot be measured cannot be improved. Now we can start thinking about how to improve our performance in terms of sustainability”.
Furthermore, the department will be able to count on the further support of the ESG ambassadors – IBSA collaborators from the various subsidiaries who, as Christophe explained: “will be spokespersons for the ESG strategy, working in close synergy with the department to thus contribute to the implementation of the new strategy”.
The fifth Sustainability Report is an extraordinary work of synthesis, as well as an actual springboard towards IBSA’s tomorrow: a Group that is growing in numbers, in results and – above all – in participation and a sustainable vision of the future.
The fifth Sustainability Report can be downloaded at the link:
As with previous editions, this Report also has been drawn up in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standard, international parameters that constitute a reference for organisations around the world and which are used to measure and communicate, with the highest level of transparency, the performance in terms of sustainability.